
Elvi sijaisemona

  • August 7, 2016

Tämä on tarina reippaasta bokseritytöstä nimeltä Elvi, kasvattajan epäonnesta ja inhimillisyydestä. Tällä ei haluta kiillottaa kenenkään sädekehää, mutta tässä halutaan kertoa, kuinka voi joskus jokaiselle kasvattajalle käydä ja kuinka silloin voi tarttua puhelimeen, ja pyytää apua, kun hätä on suurin. Omat kasvattimme olivat viisiviikkoisia, ja olimme aloittaneet valmistelun nartun kotiin lähtöön, eli nartun ruokaa oli jo vähennetty maidontuotannon supistamiseksi. Saimme kuitenkin puhelun toiselta kasvattajalta toiselta puolelta Suomea. Hänen pentueellaan asiat eivät...

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Hello world!

  • May 7, 2016

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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Can I talk about planets now?

  • November 26, 2015

Can I talk about planets now? This stuff, or whoever sent it, is cleverer than we are. Unfortunate, isn't it? When this is all over, you can find a shoulder to cry on. But for now, you need me. Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots, sometime. Your hips are fine, you're built like a man! Physician, heal thyself. Doctor no more. Think about me when you're living your life one day after another, all in a neat pattern.

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Do try and keep out of my way in the Future

  • November 26, 2015

Do try and keep out of my way in future and in past, there's a good fellow. The time continuum should be big enough for the both of us. As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves. It is! It's the city of New New York!

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A miscalculation – Doctor Who!

  • November 26, 2015

I think I might have miscalculated. That's a relief. I hate babysitters. Renewed? Have I? That's it, I've been renewed. It's part of the TARDIS. Without it I couldn't survive. Nine hundred years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother.

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